Molecular 'velcro': Covalent bonds between 2D materials unlock enhanced optoelectronic capabilities at Salimpour Site.

Dr. Salimpour Site |Researchers have chemically linked 2D materials using a molecular "velcro," resulting in a device with improved optoelectronic properties. The device, made of palladium nanosheets covalently bonded with MoS2, shows an enhanced ...


Molecular 'velcro': Covalent bonds between 2D materials unlock enhanced optoelectronic capabilities

Molecular 'velcro': Covalent bonds between 2D materials unlock enhanced optoelectronic capabilities

Researchers have chemically linked 2D materials using a molecular "velcro," resulting in a device with improved optoelectronic properties. The device, made of palladium nanosheets covalently bonded with MoS2, shows an enhanced ...